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How to raise blood pressure at home

It is believed that low pressure, in contrast to the high, not very dangerous to human life, and doctors are paying much more attention to hypertensive patients are at risk for the development of heart attacks and strokes.

However, not so clear. Indeed, among the population of the planet there are people with low blood pressure who feel well and have no complaints whatsoever. They are indicators of AD – norm and is often passed from generation to generation.

But there are other situations where a person has a heart pressure was over the last normal life and suddenly became low. If HELL has not consistently rises above 90/60 mm Hg, the diagnosis "hypotension". The reasons may be several:

  1. Various diseases: cardiovascular; endocrine; Oncology; neurological.
  2. Low pressure is often observed in people who in the past professionally involved in sports. After retiring from the sport, they need to be seen by a doctor.
  3. Another reason for the plummeting HELL – wrong medication when hypertension. As you know, the body of hypertensive patients have adapted to increased pressure, and its rapid decline is a danger: the sharp decline AD can lead to heart attack or stroke.
  • the person is not getting enough sleep, hardly gets up in the morning, immediately after waking up feeling rough;
  • constant companions hypotensive, dizziness, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • often there is nausea and headache;
  • people with low pressure can't take the cold, freezing even at a comfortable temperature;
  • efficiency is reduced, you will feel fatigue, worsening memory;
  • feet and hands are constantly cold and sweating;
  • often motion sickness;
  • you get to see the floaters;
  • hypotensive patients can be irritable, they often change the mood;
  • they hate noise and large crowds.

In addition, the brain and other organs are poorly supplied with blood. Therefore, the question arises about how to raise blood pressure at home.

How to increase

To raise the pressure much harder than lowering. Preparations for this very little. This alcohol tincture in the form of drops, injections, intravenous, pills. In addition to medication, you need to change the daily routine and to include in the diet foods, drinks, vegetables, fruits and berries, contribute to its increase. In addition to the main treatment in consultation with your doctor you can use folk remedies.


To improve the health and quality of life with hypotension must observe the following rules:

  1. Cup to include in the menu products that increase the HELL. A balanced diet are proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the optimal ratio– 10-35 %, 45-65 %, 20-35 %. It is recommended to include in the menu of spices, herbs, salt, dark chocolate. Mandatory hearty Breakfast. To eat every four hours, drink plenty of fluids – juices and water.
  2. Rest. Restful sleep with hypotension should last at least 8 hours, and preferably 10.
  3. Contrast shower in the morning. This procedure invigorates, improves mood, strengthens blood vessels.
  4. Required to do morning exercises.
  5. Exercise. It is good for a person with low pressure. Moderate physical activity not only raises HELL, but also gives courage and strength, improves performance. Helpful walking, light Jogging, swimming, sports and games.
  6. Try to spend more time on the street.