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Why burst blood vessels in her eyes: the main causes

Physical activity

In any case it is impossible to think that exercise is harmful. It is their excess or violation of the labor regime. This fact is often the case in workers of heavy physical labor, and athletes when they have to undergo great physical stress. This increases the blood circulation in the head and neck that can lead to rupture of the vessel in the eye. The other side of the coin is the sedentary lifestyle that is becoming the underlying cause of dysregulation of vascular tone. In such cases, even a simple tilt of the head and torso in an attempt to straighten up may overwhelm the delicate vessel and lead to the fact that it burst.

Disease microvascular

Their causes due to the long period of a number of diseases: hypertension, systemic diseases of blood vessels and connective tissue, and diabetes mellitus. In these conditions there is a direct lose of muscle and an inner layer of capillaries, which significantly impairs their ability to change its diameter depending on the blood filling and regional or General pressure.

Provoking or producing factor to a vessel burst in such patients can be normal daily load. It all happens so spontaneously that people do not have time to notice the moment when it happened and learns of a bruise just by looking in the mirror or from other people.

To this group of causes include direct trauma to the eye or head. Usually in such cases the man himself is aware of the reason for the appearance changes of the eye. The mechanical effect on their delicate structure leads to the fact that the vessel is torn at the points of contact with the injuring factor. Within minutes you receive a painful bruise. In the case of traumatic brain injury is an increase in intracranial pressure, which leads to a delay of blood in the venous system of the eye, against which the capillary burst.

Diseases of the eye and eyelids

To understand why the burst vessel in such conditions is easy. Cause this could either increase of intraocular pressure in case of glaucoma, or inflammatory changes conjunctivitis, iridotsiklite, and corneal ulcers. If this happens, it shows their progression and the need for appropriate therapeutic measures. If the bruise is accompanied by a constant persistent sharp pains and watery eyes, it is the reason often act as foreign bodies the eye.

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Seven bed – one answer

Given that the appearance of bloody spots on the eyes is not so harmless symptom, then a simple adjustment of the sleep, work, rest and nutrition can not do here.

Only a comprehensive assessment of the status of health professionals will help to determine why blood vessels burst eyes and set the necessary measures to remedy the problem.