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The consequences of stroke, cerebral

Often when the motor effects of stroke, develops increased tone in certain muscles, pathological reflexes (e.g., Babinski) and abnormal friendly movement. Further, the extremity is fixed in a certain position, there is a restriction of its mobility and the development of contractures. To avoid such changes, it is necessary in the earliest time to start the rehabilitation of the patient, which means the performance of massage, therapeutic physical training and physiotherapy.

Frontal syndrome develops when changes in the pool of anterior cerebral artery. It is characterized by lower self-control, irritability and self-centeredness. Man cease to care about the surrounding and close people, he becomes less emotional and inhibited. While not always suffering the memory and intelligence of the patient.

Psychopathological syndrome, characteristic of the stroke the right side, when in the process involved the middle cerebral artery, on the contrary, is accompanied by loss of orientation in place and self, forgetfulness and decrease in mental abilities.

Blurred vision

In the event of changes in the posterior cerebral artery often develops various visual disturbances. The most frequent diplopia (double vision), hemianopia (blindness in half the eye), strabismus in which one or both eyes deviate from the Central axis. In this case the stroke of the right hemisphere usually develop loss of visual fields on the left side, due to the fact that the visual nerves in the brain to form the optic chiasm (optic chiasm).

In stroke brain stem develop oculomotor disorders. When the process involves cardiovascular and respiratory center, located in this area, the patient loses the ability to breathe independently, and it becomes unstable hemodynamics. In this case, you must connect it to a respirator to maintain blood pressure and heart rate with continuous intravenous administration of sympathomimetic agents (adrenaline, dopamine, mezaton). The prognosis of this localization is poor.

Vestibular disorders

Vestibular disorders can develop in lesions in the area of the pyramid or the brain stem, but more characteristic of stroke of the cerebellum. Symptoms of this condition is dizziness that occurs when a change of body position in space, nystagmus (rapid movement of the eyeball horizontally or vertically), the imbalance. In addition, in lesions of the cerebellum there is nausea and vomiting Central Genesis, as well as muscular hypotonia, and ataxia (impaired motion coherence). Often vestibular manifestations associated autonomic reactionnervous system characterized by changes in blood pressure and heart rate, respiratory rate, appearance of sweating and a rush of blood to the vessels of the face.

Treatment of consequences of stroke is a very important task that needs to be addressed at the earliest stages of the disease. Because the more time has passed from the moment of destruction of the nervous tissue, the less chance for at least partial recovery of lost functions. Most often to disability during ischemia or hemorrhage in the brain cause movement disorders, which develop on the opposite side of the lesion. To prevent the development of irreversible changes, it is necessary to start rehabilitation therapy in the very early stages.