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The myocardium and its diseases

Aside from the lyrical digressions, the heart is a hollow organ that is "suspended" and enshrined in a special bag of powerful ligaments. About the size of a normal heart can be judged by comparison with the volume of fist of a person.

For the body's essential perform the pumping function — pumping blood, which ensures the transport of oxygen and nutrients to any tissue, delivery of waste for recycling.

Any diastolic dysfunction disrupts energy production, the heart loses "feeding", not resting. On the metabolism of myocytes influenced by:

  • nerve impulses coming from the brain and spinal cord;
  • a lack or excess of components for biochemical reactions;
  • violation of receipt of the necessary substances in the coronary vessels.

The blood supply to the myocardium is via the coronary arteries extending from the base of the aorta. They are sent to different parts of the ventricles and Atria, breaking up into small branches that supply the deeper layers. An important adaptive mechanism — a system of collateral (accessory) vessels. It is reserved artery, normally in the sleeping state. For their inclusion into the mainstream of circulation must go down the main vessels (spasm, thrombosis, atherosclerotic damage). This reserve is able to limit the area of infarction, provides the compensation power in case of thickening of the myocardium in hypertrophy.

Support satisfactory contractility necessary for the prevention of heart failure.

Properties of cardiac muscle

In addition to contractility, myocardium has other exceptional properties that are unique to the muscle tissue of the heart:

  1. Conductivity equals the myocytes to nerve fibers, as they are also capable of conducting impulses, transmitting them from one part to another.
  2. Anxiety over 0.4 sec. the excitement comes all the muscular structure of the heart and provides a complete ejection of the blood. The correct rhythm of the heart depends on the occurrence of excitation in the sinus node located in the right atrium and the further passage of the pulse at the fibers to the ventricles.
  3. Automaticity — the ability to form a focus of excitation in the bypass set direction. This mechanism causes the violation of the right rhythm, as other areas take on the role of the driver.

Histological study of muscle cell find:

  • granulomas typical structure of rheumatism;
  • edema with accumulation of basophils and eosinophils;
  • the death of muscle cells proliferation of connective tissue;
  • fluid accumulation between the cells (serous, fibrinous);
  • areas of degeneration.

The result in allcases is impaired myocardial contractility.

The clinical picture is varied. It consists of symptoms of heart and vascular disease, rhythm disorders. Sometimes at the same time affects the endocardium and pericardium.

Usually more likely to develop failure in right ventricular type, because the right ventricle is weaker and fails first.