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Myocardium hypertrophy of the left ventricle

In medical circles sometimes appear contradictory data on the assessment of hypertrophy of the heart muscle. Some authors regard it as an important adaptive mechanism, others argue that hypertrophy is dangerous, because it is a disease and always associated with pathology of the myocardium. A study of the causes and connection with biochemical processes at the cellular level has allowed to identify the stages and forms of hypertrophy.

The phenomenon of hypertrophy of the left ventricle, accompanies many diseases and is well known to doctors. However, it is no secret that people are often engaged in physical labor, and athletes with this symptom have no complaints to heart health until deep old age.

What is hypertrophy? How to treat this symptom, if it is revealed during the examination?

Why the heart works "in excess of"?

The term "hypertrophy" means the excess of tissue, the growth of an organ, in this case one can speak about excessive thickening of the left ventricular wall that does not preclude the simultaneous increase of mass of the Atria, right.

The main "work" of the ventricles of the heart pumping function. They whole life without stopping the blood pumping. To do this, have 2 groups of muscle formation:

  • spiral (inner and outer) while reducing reduce heart in longitudinal size, predominant in the right ventricle;
  • constrictory (compressive) — at work save cross-section of the body are most developed in the left.

Most available diagnostic methods, ECG and ultrasound, are available in the clinics. About the signs of hypertrophy can be judged indirectly by the complaints of young people on:

  • pressing pain in the heart;
  • swelling in legs and feet;
  • shortness of breath on exertion;
  • unmotivated weakness;
  • dizziness.

The most attention should be paid to those who:

  • decided to do fitness and overload yourself with complicated exercises;
  • try to lose weight by any means;
  • smokes a lot and refuses alcoholic beverages (including fitness classes do not compensate for harm);
  • has a genetic family history of heart disease and blood vessels.

Traditional treatments

Folk remedies is impossible to remodel the myocardium, returning it to its previous size and function. With the purpose of treatment using well-known recommendations to reduce blood pressure, strengthen the vascular wall, improvement of myocardial contractility.

Plant material is better to buy in pharmacies, where quality is guaranteed, proper collection and drying.

  1. From Lily of the valley you can make your own drops and tincture. The collected flowers placed in a dark bottle and pour vodka. To insist 2 weeks are needed. After straining to take no more than15-20 drops three times a day. The remains of the gruel offered to pour boiling water for an hour, then drain the water, and the flowers make during the day after 3 hours no more than twice a week.
  2. Tincture of garlic with lemon and honey is recommended for almost all fans of a healthy lifestyle. It helps to delay the atherosclerotic process.
  3. A decoction of the leaves of St. John's wort (100 grams of dried herbs in 2 liters of boiling water) with honey can be stored in the refrigerator. Not indicated for people with liver disease.

You should carefully use of folk remedies people with allergies to flowers and plants.

How to judge the outcome of therapy?

Treatment can be considered effective if:

  • at the follow-up study recorded a decrease in the size of the left ventricle;
  • disappear the signs of heart failure;
  • man don't bother arrhythmia, angina, hypertensive crises;
  • need to withdraw disability and return to work in the profession;
  • the patient and his surrounding note the improvement of quality of life.

Although cardiac hypertrophy is not considered a separate disease, with its manifestations cannot be disregarded in the diagnosis of disease of the heart, and subsequent therapy.