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The main symptoms of thrombocytopenia

Immunological methods include determination of antiplatelet antibodies in patient's blood, the formation of which is typical of autoimmune thrombocytopenia. For this purpose:

  • tramaglino that shows only the complete antibodies, therefore, is used quite rarely;
  • @ test Steffen is determined by the consumption of Coombs', but its sensitivity is quite low;
  • Dixon method allows to determine quantitatively antibodies on the platelet surface, it is most informative, but quite expensive and time consuming, therefore, is not often;
  • immunofluorescence method is very simple but does not always allow to distinguish pathological changes.

For exclusion of secondary thrombocytopenia, which is another manifestation of the disease, perform diagnostic search. Most often this leads to cirrhosis of the liver, autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus), cancer (leukemia, myeloma, metastases in bone marrow).


When the examination and ultrasound of the abdomen often reveals enlargement of the spleen, which is characteristic for this pathology. Since thrombocytopenia is disturbed the formation of clots, this disease is characterized by the following features:

Bleeding in the brain is a General neurological symptoms (nausea, coma, respiratory failure), as well as focal changes depending on its localization (paresis of the limbs, slurring of speech, asymmetry of the face).

Thrombocytopenia – a serious blood disease or a manifestation of other pathological processes, which a long time may be asymptomatic. Only with a significant reduction of platelet count symptoms associated with bleeding disorders. As there is a risk of developing serious complications (internal bleeding, including in the brain), when the first symptoms of the disease should consult a doctor and take some tests.