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Angina and its treatment

Angina is divided into forms at the time of its occurrence and according to the level of provoking loads.

New-onset exertional angina is considered to be such, if the first attack was not more than 1 month. In the future it may disappear or switch to a stable form.

Stable angina lasting more than one month and occurs when the loads are about the same level. This type can exist for several years.

Unstable angina, or progressive – characterized by increase in frequency, duration and strength of attacks with the same loads.

The division of disease into classes shows the load tolerance of the patient. There are the following functional classes (FC):

  1. I – portability a good. Pain attack can only develop when a sudden increase in the load, which is unusual for a patient – heavy physical work, prolonged running, climbing stairs at high altitude.
  2. II – tolerance average, there are restrictions in its level. Angina may occur when the usual load is the walk a relatively short distance (500 – 1000 m), climbing stairs to a height of more than one floor, as well as changing weather conditions, etc.
  3. III – a significant reduction in exercise performance. Pain behind the breastbone appear with little effort – walking up to a mile, the rise at least one floor.
  4. IV – a sharp restriction of loads. Pain attack can be caused by a slight stress or occur alone.

Classification of angina has implications for prognosis and choice of treatment regimen. Of FC I – III are stable, FC IV – unstable angina.

The clinical picture and symptoms of the disease