Home / Treatment of diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system / What to do if a burst vessel in the eye?

What to do if a burst vessel in the eye?

The hemorrhage may vary in localization in the retina in the eye socket, into the vitreous body, anterior chamber of the eye.

In the first case the red spots on the retina. In humans, eye drops, he clearly sees an object in front of the eyes can run fly. Leisure and styptic lead to improvement.

Bleeding in the eye socket occur with injuries of the head and eyes, sometimes with blood disorders. There is pain, split objects, blurred vision, vomiting. The eyeball moves, the mobility of the eye is reduced.

If the person is not experiencing pain and other unpleasant sensations, his task is faster to remove the ugly stain. You first need to resolve the causes of hemorrhage. In any case, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, especially those who have blood vessels in her eyes burst often. Perhaps this is due to somatic diseases, lack of vitamins, conjunctivitis. You can take the following steps:

  1. At elevated pressure need to take hypotensive agent.
  2. How to sleep, that is, to give the eyes a rest. This is especially true at constant stress, overwork, work that requires prolonged eye strain.
  3. To make a tray for the eyes, which will help to strengthen the vascular wall. To do this, take two containers and fill them with water: one cold, the other warm. Immerse the patient's eyes, first in warm water for a few minutes, then in cold.
  4. Lotions for the eyes using a tea infuser, a well – known tool. Moisten a cotton swab in warm fresh leaves and apply them on the eye area for 10 minutes. Then remove and wash with cool water.


If the hemorrhage is not an isolated incident and is repeated periodically, to be tested, then the doctor will prescribe treatment. It is important to quickly go to a hospital eye injuries that can cause of vision loss. To avoid this, you need to get help in the first hours after injury. Emergency treatment is required when the hemorrhage is accompanied by edema and purulent secretions.