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Prevention of varicose veins

Why do we need prevention?

Prevention of varicose veins is the best treatment, and needed it almost all.

First, to prevent its occurrence. Do not relax, if parents do not hurt: risk factors for the disease except genetic predisposition, pretty much.
Secondly, prevention is necessary in order to curb the progression of varices, decrease the number of relapses and to avoid dangerous complications, such as phlebitis, thrombosis, trophic ulcers.

чулки против варикозаEliminate all factors of risk in modern conditions is impossible. Sedentary work, increased time in traffic jams, frequent flights – all this prevents normal circulation. What is prevention of varicose veins in sedentary work? The most reliable and effective way is to wear a special Jersey, which supports the vein, not allowing them to expand, prevents swelling, reduces fatigue, relieves heavy legs. Products contribute to the outflow of blood from the legs thanks to a special distribution of compression in the ankles – 100%, the knee, 75% hips and 50%, in the groin about 20%. Special knitwear should be selected strictly on the size.

It is recommended to wear when playing sports, especially during running, jumping, lifting weights. It is indispensable during flights, long trips in the bus or in the train seats. To wear pantyhose should be in the morning, not yet got out of bed. The legs need to keep raised. This ensures the correct form of the veins. When wearing tights, the vessels are squeezed with such force that the blood circulation is not disturbed. In addition, there is a micro-massage, coinciding with venous blood flow. If you want you can buy a device to facilitate their donning.

Tights to prevent varicose veins, there are three classes of compression. Products I can buy and use without a doctor's advice to prevent illness when it is no signs. If symptoms are varicose veins, use tights II or class III compression, depending on the stage of the disease. This Jersey should only be worn on prescription. Stockings do not cure, they only provide proper circulation and comfort.

Medicines for the prevention of varicose veins

External funds

Today for sale is a lot of forms for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, as an ointment, gel, cream. Many of them are affordable. These tools give quite a perceptible primary effect. They are cool, improve circulation in tissues, relieve swelling, pain, night cramps. Especially popular gel Lioton, Troxerutin, Caffeine, Trombless,Venoruton, heparin ointment. They should be applied to places with altered veins and spider veins several times a day.

Preparations for oral administration

Apply only enough cream to prevent varicose veins. Together with outer means you need to periodically take oral drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and thinning the blood. Effective and popular today are ventunesima pills Venerus made on the basis of bioflavonoidov.

  • increases the tone of venous walls;
  • reduces the characteristic symptoms: pain, cramps, swelling, heaviness in the legs;
  • effectively and early in the disease, and under the bright clinical manifestations;
  • reduces the occurrence of possible complications of the disease.

From krovanistaya vehicles used Cardiomagnyl, Aspecard, Thrombotic ass.

It should be remembered that uncontrolled use of medicines is unacceptable: all the drugs and dosage should be determined by the attending physician. To apply many of them have contraindications. The use of external means is not allowed in sores and open wounds on the feet.