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Possible consequences of hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery

Hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery is a congenital anatomical deviation. In order to see what might be the consequences of hypoplasia, it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the great vessels. There are 4 arteries that supply blood to the brain. 2 carotid artery are the most important because they supply blood directly to parts of the brain involved in thinking, movement, vision and speech. The other 2 arteries (vertebral) deliver blood to the brain and are responsible for feeding the cells with oxygen.

Vertebral arteries are a continuation of the subclavian. As a result of genetic abnormalities in about 10% of people these vessels can form a separate branch of the aortic arch. Congenital changes in the location and size of the right vertebral artery is most often noticed when performing cerebral angiography.

Narrowing the diameter of the vessel leads to a decrease in overall flow velocity and, as a result of insufficient blood supply to the nervous tissue of the brain.

This happens only after a significant period of time and depends on the degree of narrowing of the vessel, as the adaptation mechanisms allow very efficient to prevent disturbances in the body, developing on the cause of the deterioration of blood flow to brain tissue. Be the first consequences of such a defect in the development of the vessel as age-related changes in organs and tissues. First and foremost, it is important to the development of cerebral atherosclerosis.

The accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial walls of the brain mechanisms of adaptation are violated, as the lumen of the other vessel, which was compensation for the lack of blood flow in the relevant blood pool (the area of the right vertebral artery) also tapers. It was at this point appear the first effects of hypoplasia. It is important to understand that to get rid of them, if the time to begin treatment. In the event when not taken any measures, the process is progressing. May develop severe and irreversible consequences for the organism.

Common and pronounced cerebral atherosclerosis

Hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery due to the reduction of the volume of oxygen supplied to the brain, and the speed of blood flow can be expected to trigger the development and rapid progression of atherosclerotic processes in cerebral vessels with all the ensuing consequences. But the infiltration of cholesterol walls of blood vessels usually occurs in adulthood, the coincidence of a number of additional negative factors.


Hypoplasia of the right vertebral artery is a well-known risk factors for resistant hypertension. Suggest that by increasingthe system pressure in the blood vessels, the body tries to compensate for the lack of blood flow due to narrowing of the lumen of the vertebral artery. The result is disruption of the mechanisms regulating blood pressure and persistent increase.