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How to quickly identify stroke

  1. Ischemic — most common (80% cases). His reason for getting the clot which closes the vessel lumen brain and blood circulation the part of the brain is disrupted. An ischemic stroke develops gradually, so people are not paying on the symptoms of attention. For example, a headache, but do not give it value because the pain yet tolerable. Then she is getting stronger, the person may lose consciousness. But when he comes to, may feel tolerably well, and to the arrival of the ambulance refusing to go to hospital. However, this is impossible. Family members are required to describe in detail what happened, and insist on sending her to the hospital. Otherwise this could happen throughout the day repeatedly, the patient may lose the ability to speak, it paralyzes.
  2. Hemorrhagic — 20% of all strokes. It happens when you break a blood vessel at elevated pressure. To stop such bleeding is difficult. The blood that pushes the brain tissue and fills the resulting space, forming a hematoma. In hemorrhagic stroke, a rupture of the aneurysm of the vessel of the brain, or SAK (subharmonically hemorrhage). This usually occurs in people under 40 years. At SAK, as a rule, the paralysis does not happen, unlike strokes, forming a hematoma. People experience sharp pain in the head, like the blow of a dagger, and then lose consciousness. Hemorrhagic stroke often leads to death because it starts suddenly. It may be the consequence of stress. It may be preceded by symptoms such as headaches, heaviness in the head, dizziness.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

This state is called a mini-stroke. It is a signal that there is the possibility of stroke, so if you have symptoms you need to go to the doctor. The symptoms are the same as normal, and the only difference is that, with TIA, they disappear once circulation is restored, while regular is not.


The symptoms manifest immediately, therefore, to recognize a stroke is not difficult. Signs of impaired cerebral circulation following:

  • unexpected dizziness, loss of balance and impaired coordination;
  • sudden weakness;
  • paralysis of one side of the body;
  • difficulty swallowing, salivation;
  • sudden deterioration of vision, motion blur, split items, and darkening of the eyes;
  • sudden severe headache;
  • brief loss of consciousness;
  • disorientation (unable to locate, failure to recognize relatives);
  • slurred speech (poor articulation, inability to pronounce words);
  • difficulties with understanding a foreign language.