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Diagnostic capabilities angiography of the


List of diseases where it is shown this method is quite extensive. But there are a number of contraindications, including:

  • cardiac, renal, hepatic failure in stage of decompensation;
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • some mental illnesses;
  • allergic to iodine and other substances used during the procedure.

How to conduct and how to prepare?

The procedure is invasive and therefore requires constant monitoring of the patient by medical personnel. For angiography patient placed in a Department where he has to pass a number of tests:

  • the blood group and RH factor;
  • clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemistry of blood.

A few days prior to the examination the patient should stop taking certain medications that can affect the function of blood coagulation. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before the procedure. Before the patient is prescribed a sedative. Before the procedure, shave the hair in the area where a needle will be inserted. Before the study was conducted a test for Allergy to contrast medium. To do this, enter the drug under the skin and watching. If the patient has symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, nausea, the procedure can not be carried out. In this case, it is replaced by magnetic resonance angiography (Mr) without using contrast agents.

Angiography of the renal arteries is:

  • if you suspect a malignant tumor of the kidneys;
  • when determining the origin of hematuria (blood in urine);
  • hydronephrosis;
  • abnormal development of the kidneys;
  • in hypertensive disease of unknown etiology;
  • in tumors of the adrenal glands;
  • in tuberculosis of the kidneys.

Angiography of abdominal vessels performed abdominal aortography, or the study of the aorta (abdominal part) and blood vessels departing from it.

The types of angiography

There are several varieties:

  1. Angiography.
  2. Mr angiography (magnetic resonance). Performed for vascular mapping of head and neck without contrast agent.
  3. CT angiography (CT). Received the study information is processed on the computer.
  4. Fluorescent. Used to diagnose diseases of the blood vessels in the eyes, with a vein injected fluorescein, which is the bloodstream in the vessels of the eye and under the influence of the beam begins to glow.


Angiography is one of the most accurate research vessels to date. This procedureallows not only to diagnose disease, but also immediately be treated. Such a study is demanded in cardiology, vascular surgery, urology, internal medicine, neurology.