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Dyslipidemia and its importance in the development of diseases of heart and vessels

Dyslipidemia in medicine is called a deviation from the norm of indicators of fat metabolism. In the development of disease matter how their increase and decrease. Some obese patients mistakenly referred to this term its fullness.

Fat mass, it is postponed under the skin, do not dissolve in the blood. And when an abnormal metabolic tests to identify excess, deficient or disturbed ratio of fat complexes associated with proteins (lipoproteins). In this state, they are produced by the liver or formed from which food products using specific enzymes.

Varieties of dyslipidemia

According to the international statistical classification of diseases ICD-10, dyslipidemia related to the metabolic code E78. In practical work the doctors recommended classification of dyslipidemias adopted by the who (world health organization), the author of which is Donald Fredrickson.

Since its approval it has been a long time (1965). Many scientists point to the obvious shortcomings:

  • the lack of current data on the role of high density lipoproteins;
  • only develop elevated indicators (hyperlipidemia), although important in the pathology have hypozincemia deviation.

However, typing on Fredrickson includes the following features:

  • the influence of genetic factors;
  • the presence of enzymatic base in the gut for processing fats;
  • the causation of the disease.

Type 2 is divided into subtypes:

  • 2A — develops under the influence of a gene mutation, but have value and external factors. Increased levels of low density lipoproteins and cholesterol. More frequently occurs among 0.2% of the population, accompanied by early expression of atherosclerosis and diseases caused by them.
  • 2b, in contrast to subtype 2A assumes the figure of triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins, is available in every tenth adult. Reasons are increasing their synthesis in the liver and slow excretion. This group includes hereditary combined hyperlipidemia and secondary hyperlipidemia, with a total developing metabolic syndrome.

Type 3 hereditary is rarely found at 0,02% of the population in lipogram marked increase in the concentration of lipoproteins of intermediate density, resulting from the collapse of very low-density compounds in the blood increases the amount of chylomicrons.

Type 4 is characterized by a simultaneous increase of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins found in 1% of people.

Type 5 refers to genetically determined, often the origin is unknown, accompanied by reduced activity of the enzyme lipase. Increased concentration of chylomicrons andlipoproteins of very low density, similar to the type 1.

What factors accelerate the development of atherosclerosis?

Risk factors predisposing to atherosclerotic damage of arteries of elastic and mixed-type are considered: fixed and independent of human reason.

To eliminate (modifiable) are:

  • people's way of life, routine, habits — it is important the lack of mobility, Smoking, alcohol passion, emotion experiences and behavior, stress, working night shifts;
  • the type of food in families, teaches a child to fatty and high-calorie food lovers to eat a lot of grilled meat, kebabs and more cases of acute diseases caused by atherosclerosis;
  • high blood pressure in hypertensive patients should be monitored and treated;
  • for patients with diabetes are the recommendations for correction of the level of glucose in the blood, the use of hypoglycemic agents specially calculated diet.