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Cleaning of vessels in the home

Bay leaf

Cleaning of the vessels the Bay leaf is a known method that has contraindications. You cannot use this spice during pregnancy, as it is fraught with miscarriage. In addition, it is not recommended to use this remedy in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastric ulcer, a tendency to constipation), and diabetes.

Recipe 1

To clean vessels, you need to take the usual dried Bay leaf, which is sold in stores. The infusion is prepared as follows: take 300 grams of boiling water and pour 25 of Laurel leaves, capacity wrap a towel and leave for a few hours. Drink the remedy in the evening in small SIPS. The treatment lasts three days. It will need to be repeated after a week. It is important to remember that during treatment the Bay leaf need to observe a vegetarian diet and exclude alcoholic beverages.

Recipe 2

Bay leaves (8 pieces) cover with water (0.5 l), put on fire and boil 5 minutes. Then give the broth to infuse for 5 hours. To make a decoction for three days three times.

To clean vessels, you can use berries, which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Recipe 1

Pour boiling water over rose hips (half Cup) and infuse for in a thermos. Cool, strain, add honey (table. spoon) and drink a glass three doses during the day.

Recipe 2

Eating Rowan berries in the period of its maturation to 300 grams per day.

Cleaning of the vessels of the brain

Recipe 1

Traditional medicine offers to clean the blood vessels of the head with raisins, walnuts and Mandarin. This means you need to take a long time. The recipe is very simple: every morning you eat a tangerine, raisins (a handful), three pieces of walnut. The ingredients do not mix and do not change the number and sequence. After about 20 minutes it is impossible to eat and drink, then drink plain water (Cup) for Breakfast. The course of treatment lasts from three months to six months.

Recipe 2

And again the garlic with the lemon. In the evening the head of garlic peel and mash using a press, pour sunflower oil (1 Cup), preferably unrefined, then put in the refrigerator. In the morning squeeze the juice of one lemon. Mix it with garlic-oil mixture (and both need to take a teaspoon) and take half an hour before meals. The course of treatment – one to three months, the number of receptions three times a day. After the break repeat the course.

In conclusion

Before you clean the vessels of the house, should consult the doctor. Not need to appoint a pills and medicines prepared according to home recipes. Even folk remedies that seem harmless, can havecontraindications.