Home / Medicines for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system / Drug treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia: a review of drugs

Drug treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia: a review of drugs

Also used:

  • Adaptogens (extracts of Siberian ginseng, Schizandra, ginseng)
  • Diuretics (lasix, diakarb, preparations of bilberry, bearberry, nettle, parsley, juniper)
  • Vitamins (b, A, E) and antioxidants (succinic acid, Mexidol)
  • Calcium supplements (calcium gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate)
  • Garlic preparations (allied).

To improve memory processes, to reduce the excitability of the nervous system, it is advisable to take glycine. This amino acid improves brain metabolism, resulting in markedly reduced asthenoneurotic component of dystonia. In addition, justified the use of nootropics of a sedative effect.

For the treatment of this disease apply vitamins (especially b group), and vitamins A and E with antioxidant effect. As General-stimulating agents for the treatment of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, you can use the drugs kelp, spirulina, Tripoli, fennel, dandelion, thyme, centaury, nettle, succinic acid.

циннаризинNeuroleptics have wegetotropona properties, have antipsychotic, antifobicheskoe activity, reduce the patient's responsiveness to external stimuli. Usually for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia use soft types of neuroleptics.

Dystonia is often accompanied by neuroses. Tranquilizers can help reduce anxiety, fear, tension, normalizes sleep, some of them have anticonvulsant effects. In addition, they have wegetotropona property, have a positive effect on functional arrhythmia and cardialgia, lability of arterial pressure. Sleep disorders use sleeping pills, however, taking them should be long, since sleeping pills cannot provide the physiological rest.

If vegetative-vascular dystonia are present neuroses and depression, a good effect can be obtained from antidepressant treatment. These drugs relieve fatigue, depression, improve mood. A large part of the antidepressants weaken the parasympathetic nervous system. If worried about increased irritability, short temper, sleep disturbance, antidepressants combined with neuroleptics and tranquilizers.

The Central nervous system stimulants used in treating vegetative-vascular dystonia on vagotonic type. Also widely used adaptogens working at the cellular level, improving the metabolism.

For a good treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia successfully used antioxidants (for example, Mexidol). Mexidol improves memory, attention, mental performance, improves the immune protection mechanisms of the organism, resistance to pain andexposure to a variety of damaging agents. Its significant advantage is the relatively small toxicity.

If the IRR is accompanied by an increase or decrease in blood pressure, you should not immediately resort to receive synthetic antihypertensive or hypertensive agents. In this case, a more rational use of herbal medicines, sometimes in combination with adaptogens (ginseng, devil, leuzea, aralia, hawthorn, Chinese limonnik, eleuterokokk). The latter contain components possessing anti-stress effects at the cellular level.

Siberian ginseng is shown to hypochondriacs with excessive suspiciousness. Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to change of weather conditions, disease and stress, normalizes the activity of the Central nervous system in fatigue, nervousness, hypotonic form of dystonia. Leuzea good with fatigue, irritability, insomnia, headache, poor appetite and mood. Almost these same properties, preparations of the lemongrass, however, they do not Deplete the nerve cells.

A variety of symptoms of VSD, as already stated, do not represent a great danger, although there are sometimes pronounced and delivered to the patient uncomfortable with. However, it is worth considering the important role of dystonia in the formation of serious pathological processes and not to pay attention to the factors that provoke the development of symptoms and further progression.

So, if you have symptoms that may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia, then you should go to the doctor, because effectiveness of treatment largely depends on early access to medical care. And don't forget about preventative and restorative activities that will help in the early stage of the disease will continue to serve as an excellent prevention of more serious illnesses. Also for successful treatment important the patient's attitude and desire to get better.