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Does baking soda with varicose veins?

Soda bath

1. Pour into tub of water (200 liters), add baking soda (approx. 7 table. spoons). The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Take a bath 15 minutes.

To bath with baking soda can't hurt health, you must follow certain rules:

  • The water temperature is not more than 40 degrees (37-39), as with varicose veins to take a hot bath strongly do not recommend.
  • Soda is first dissolved in a small amount of water, then the solution is poured into a bath filled (200 litres).
  • Baths take in a day, only treatments 10. Duration — not more than 20 minutes.
  • Before taking bath, it is advisable to walk in the fresh air.
  • After you should not wipe the body, it is only necessary to turn into a towel.
  • Taking a bath is best before bedtime to then immediately go to rest.
  • If you need to repeat the treatment after 10 treatments should take a break of two months and re-take the course.

2. With varicose veins you can do foot baths. In five liters of water need to take baking soda 200 g alum 70 grams, how should blend. Water temperature — to 40 degrees, the duration is about a quarter of an hour. Take a bath two times in 10-14 days.

The solution for the reception inside

A teaspoon of baking soda put into a glass of hot water and stir. Drink in a day two times, morning and evening, one glass.

In conclusion

It is important to remember that self-medication can not only help but also hurt. Before to start treatment of varicose veins soda, you should consult with your physician. Any homemade tool is just a Supplement to the basic therapy, but not its replacement.